ISSN PRINT 2066 – 5997 ISSN ONLINE 2066 – 6594
Editorial Board | Instructions for authors | Example | The Prize Dimitrie Pompeiu |
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Frédéric Bonnans, Vasile Drăgan
Dan Tiba at his 70th anniversary |
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Constantin Fetecău
On an important observation regarding some hydromagnetic motions of Maxwell fluids and its applications |
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Luminița Barbu, Gheorghe Moroșanu
Full description of the spectrum of a Steklov-like eigenvalue problem involving the (p,q)-Laplacian
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Vasile Drăgan, Samir Aberkane, Ioan-Lucian Popa, Toader Morozan
On the stability and mean square stabilization of a class of linear stochastic systems controlled by impulses |
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Lidia Palese
On the nonlinear stability for quasi-geostrophic forced zonal flows |
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Sorin G. Gal
Voronovskaya-type theorem for positive linear operators based on Lagrange interpolation |
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Mircea Bîrsan
On the equilibrium equations of linear 6-parameter elastic shells |
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Liliana Restuccia
On the heat dissipation function for magnetic relaxation phenomena in anisotropic media |
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Adrian Petrușel, Gabriela Petrușel
Fixed point results for multi-valued graph contractions on a set endowed with two metrics |
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Aurelian Cernea
Several variational inclusions for a fractional differential inclusion of Caputo-Fabrizio type |
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Mircea Merca
A note on a classical connection between partitions and divisors |
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Pierluigi Colli, Gianni Gilardi, Andrea Signori, Juergen Sprekels
Optimal temperature distribution for a nonisothermal Cahn–Hilliard system in two dimensions with source term and double obstacle potential |
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Ivelin Ivanov, Neli Baeva
Algorithms for the Riccati equation with a nonsingular M-matrix |
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Savin Treanță, Alina Petrescu-Niță
Results of existence of solutions for some variational control inequalities |
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Gyurhan H. Nedzhibov
Online dynamic mode decomposition: an alternative approach for low rank datasets |
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Livia Betz
Strong stationarity for the control of viscous history-dependent evolutionary VIs arising in applications |
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Fredi Tröltzsch
On the bang-bang principle for parabolic optimal control problems |
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Mircea Sofonea. Domingo A. Tarzia
Convergence criteria, well-posedness concepts and applications |
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Weimin Han
On a new class of mixed hemivariational-variational inequalities |
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Cornel Marius Murea
Impact/Contact of elastic body on a moving foundation |
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Marius Buliga
Dissipation and the information content of the deviation from hamiltonian dynamics |
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Ana-Maria Mosneagu, Iulian Stoleriu
Validity of the quasi steady state assumption for enzyme-catalysed reactions with competitive inhibition and substrate input |
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Andaluzia Matei
Three weak formulations for an obstacle model and their relationship |
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Adrian-Mihail Stoica, Isaac Yaesh
Static output feedback control of linear parameter varying systems |
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Rawan Abdullah, Andrei Halanay, Karim Amin, Ragheb Mghames
Partial stability in a model for allergic reactions induced by chemotherapy of acute lymphoblastic leukemia |
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Mihail Megan, Ariana Găină, Rovana Boruga (Toma)
On dichotomy with differentiable growth rates for skew-evolution cocycles in Banach spaces |
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Vladimir Rasvan
From propagation systems to time delays and back. Critical cases |
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Ömer Kiși. Chiranjib Choudhury
Certain aspects of λsrt(ℊ) −convergence of sequences in gradual normed linear spaces |
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Hammed Anuoluwapo Abass
Solving multiple-sets split monotone variational inclusion problem in real Hilbert spaces |
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Seyit Temir
Approximating of fixed points for multi-valued generalized α−nonexpansive mappings in Banach spaces |