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Abs.Article | Razvan D. TAMAS Frequency-Domain and Time-Domain Response Shaping for Ultra-Wide Band Antennas |
Abs.Article | Tudor BARBU, Silviu-Ioan BEJINARIU, Ramona LUCA Development of an Annotated Database for Assesing the Performance of Deep Learning-Based Vehicle Detection and Tracking Models |
Abs.Article | Bianca BREZEANU, Florin DRĂGHICI, Gheorghe BREZEANU Analog Switches Based on Mos Transistors in Sub-Micron Technologies |
Abs.Article | Ștefan CANTARAGIU Suite des Logiciels Matlab pour le Calcul des Parametres du Circuits de Micro-Ondes |
Abs.Article | Ciprian ILIESCU, Florina Silvia ILIESCU Advances in Dielectrophoresis on-a Chip |