Anul apariţiei: 2012
Nr. pagini:425
Domeniu: Inginerie – Energetică
Despre carte: On behalf of the Romanian National Committee of CIGRÉ, it is our great pleasure to welcome our distinguished guests of the first CIGRÉ Regional South-East European Conference (RSEEC 2012), taking place in Sibiu, Romania, on October 10th – 12th 2012. RSEEC 2012 is organized by the CIGRÉ’s Romanian National Committee, as organizer, CNTEE Transelectrica S.A. and ALSTR, as co-organizers. It is a major event in power systems which will provide an exceptional venue to CIGRÉ members and interested parties for presenting: Innovation for efficiency and effective management, solutions for power systems of the future! The conference will bring together power systems engineers, decision makers, academics and others with interest in the domain. The conference also promotes CIGRÉ as a strong technical organization, capable of contributing to the technical expertise and know-how database, through its study committees, conference proceedings and technical documents. Main Topics include: 1) Electrical networks of the future; 2) State of the Technology and Future Trends; 3) Power system solutions for renewable sources (RES); 4. Challenges in education of power system workforce; 5. Live working (“Live Working” section is organized by ALSTR – Live Working Association, Romania). We would like to extend our warm welcome to all the participants at RSEEC 2012 conference and to wish a successful and enjoyable meeting. We hope that everyone will find the RSEEC 2012, both technically interesting and with stimulating subjects and that your journey in Sibiu – Romania will be an unforgettable and pleasant time.