Vol. 5 Issue 2 – 2024 Annals of Academy of Romanian Scientists – Series of Medicine

ISSN-L 2668-8816 ONLINE ISSN 2668-8816

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Original articles

Abs.Article Vlad-Alexandru IONESCU, Ioana-Alexandra BABAN, Gina Gheorghe, Alin-Bogdan DEACANU, Crista-Loredana TIUCA, Camelia Cristina DIACONU
Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of colorectal cancer patients
Abs.Article Ionela BACANU, Vlad-Alexandru IONESCU, Gina GHEORGHE, Ancuta NASTAC, Crista-Loredana TIUCA, Camelia Cristina DIACONU
Infectious complications in patients with liver cirrhosis
Abs.Article Supyar KUMAWAT, Ved Prakash MAMORIA, Richa SHARMA
Antibacterial susceptibility patterns of nonfermenting gram-negative bacilli among patients in a tertiary care hospital, Jaipur
Abs.Article Andrada SCHWARZ-MADAR, Andreea CAMARASAN, Razvan OROS, Narcis VILCEANU, Claudia JUDEA-PUSTA, Camelia BUHAS
Cross-sectional study on suicide in people of Hungarian and Romanian nationality in Bihor County, Romania
Abs.Article Vlad-Alexandru IONESCU, Anca-Elena BARBU, Gina Gheorghe, Vlad BUICA, Crista-Loredana TIUCA, Camelia Cristina DIACONU
Thromboembolic complications in patients with digestive malignancies

Case Report

Abs.Article Vlad-Alexandru IONESCU, Alin-Bogdan DEACANU, Crista-Loredana TIUCA, Anda-Maria BENTIA, Alexandra BEJAN, Elena-Roxana BEJENARIU, Andreea Alina BELCHITA, Marian-Alexandru BELCHITA, Irina-Mihaela BELU, Bianca BERGHILA, Gina GHEORGHE, Camelia Cristina DIACONU
Beyond the obvious: unveiling the diagnosis when symptoms mislead