Instructions for authors Annals Series on History and Archaeology Sciences

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Remark:  This journal does not charge APCs or submission charges.

The manuscript [in English] should be sent via email as a PDF file, either to the series editors or to any member of the Editorial Board together with a cover letter stating the intention to publish it in Annals of Academy of Romanian Scientists Series on History and Archaeology Sciences.

The submission of a manuscript entails the assurance that it has not been published to it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere and that all the coauthors have approved its submission to Annals of Academy of Romanian Scientists Series on History and Archaeology Sciences. A template that precise the style and the format of the manuscripts may be found to

After refereeing is complete, an official letter of acceptance or refusal is sent by email to the corresponding author together with the observations of the reviewers. For publication, the files of the revised paper are required, which may be edited by our Secretariat to follow the general presentation rules of the journal. If the manuscript includes figures, they should be added as separate files in the same message email. Very long papers may be divided in several parts and published in subsequent issues of the journal.

A PDF file with the proofs will be sent to the corresponding author with indications for corrections.

The preferred language for papers is English [both UK and US spelling are permitted, provided that the spelling is consistent within the paper].
All submitted manuscripts should be as concise as possible and should include an even number of pages. The software used to produce your document should be Word for Windows.
The format of the document is A4 [21 cm x 29.7 cm]. The settings for the mirror of the page are: Top 4.7 cm; Bottom 4.7 cm; Left 3.5 cm; Right 3.5 cm. Please use Times New Roman font, size 12 for the main text and size 10 for the figures and tables.

The text will include the following sequence of parts:
Name[s] of author[s] and author’s affiliation
Abstract [not more than 100 words]
− The main text [authors must arrange the subject matter under headings: Introduction, Experimental details, Results, Conclusions…, in bold].
References should be listed at the article’s end, and numbered in the order of their appearance in the text. Use numerals in square brackets to cite references. Footnotes should not include bibliographic material.

−All line drawings and photos should be in grey scale.− Equationstablesillustrations will be positioned within the paragraphs.

The whole responsibility for the accuracy of the calculations, experimental data and scientific interpretations, as well as for the accuracy of the English text belongs entirely to the author[s].

All communications must indicate the name, phone number and e-mail address of the author to whom proofs should be sent. This author is responsible for informing all co-authors that the manuscript has been submitted for this series.