Coord. Cornelia GUJA
Anul apariţiei: 2022
Nr. pagini: 312
Domeniu: Biologie – antropologie
Disponibilitate: La cerere
Despre carte:
The reason why I considered resuming this work, after a period of 25 years since the first publication in 1993, is the fact that many of the hypotheses and research results we put forward at the time have been confirmed valued and found their right place in the multitude of scientific knowledge acquired during the years.
In the 80’s and even in the 90’s the similarity of the electric discharge shapes we studied in the laboratory with a series of shapes existing in nature, as well as the idea that integration of bodies in Nature takes place according to a code of archetypal shapes was accepted as an interesting but bizarre hypothesis or as an accidental resemblance and was even a cause for arousing indignation! The researchers who at the time sided with my intention to seek the explanation of this connection, brought in the articles they wrote at my request scientific arguments from their fields of activity, as they intuited the existence of certain natural integration processes that are part of Nature’s ingeniosity in its effort to secure its evolving Unity. I integrated them all in this book. In that period the scientific world took over with great interest and extended application of the general systems theory (founder L. W. Bertalanffy), of the theory of communication in the living systems and machines – cybernetics (whose father was Norbert Wiener) and the information theory (whose initiator was C. E. Shannon). The authors of the articles in the present volume based their researches on all the above-mentioned theories. They also realized that there were certain processes that raised new problems outside the sphere of the existing theories, such as assembling and communication among the various categories of systems that could be better studied using the theory of integration and communication by means of interfaces, which we proposed in this volume.
It seems that introducing new concepts such as interface, integronics or coexistence did not find fertile ground among the theories in vogue of that period. This may have also been due to the fact that the term interface had become important and well defined in computer science and the science of surfaces in contact and seemed limited to those fields. Nevertheless, our volume was honored by a prize awarded by the Romanian Academy after two years since its issue and the readers appreciated it as an eccentric novelty.
I would like the present revised edition to have a larger echo. The comments I made to the authors’ articles are meant to reduce the difficulties the readers might have owing to the multidisciplinary and specialized character of the themes, which we noticed in the previous editions of the text. I tried to supply information regarding the period in which the articles were written and their authors in order to highlight the originality and novelty of the concepts as well as the special historical context of the researches carried out.
The Bibliography attached to this motivation is an indication for the reader interested in the volume coordinator’s personal works, published since the first edition of the volume, in the period 1993-2020, using the interface and integronic thinking theories presented in the volume, consolidated during later researches. They bring arguments and demonstrate, among other things, that archetypal communication among the coexisting systems everywhere in Nature, possible by means of interfaces, ensures a memory which has as informational substratum the assembly of the interacting fields existing on the Earth and in the Universe, which we associated with the ancient Oriental concept of AURA. The archetypal interface of the auras as universal informational form of communication and the thinking mind will make it possible for us to be present wherever our curiosity and thirst for knowledge take us.
Volume Coordinator: Cornelia Guja March, 2022