Why Do Children Become Aggressive?
BOBOC*1, Natalia Rosoiu2
1 Ovidius University, Doctoral School of Applied Science, Biochemistry/
Biology, Constanta (Romania)
2 University Ovidius, Faculty of Medicine, Doctoral School of Applied
Science, Biochemistry/Biology, Constanta, Academy of Romanian Scientists
* Corresponding author e-mail: barbulet.daniela@yahoo.com
term aggression is common in the media. What is sad is that we see cases of
aggressive children which are worrying. It is true that this pandemic has made
people understand how important health is and some parents of children with a
high level of aggression have started doing cognitive behavioral therapy at
certain psychologists. It is good, but still in some cases this aggression
comes from internal causes, certain biochemical disorders. Increased
testosterone levels in boys are a common cause.
Psychologists at the beginning of therapy should suggest parents to perform a
complete set of tests that should not miss the analysis of thesosterone,
cadmium, and vitamin B12. In the case of vitamin B12, if it is in small amounts
in the body it can affect the behavior leading to
greater agitation and even aggression. What is again extremely important is to
perform a brain MRI to observe the activity of the amygdala and cerebral
cortex. A disorder of these can be the cause of aggressive behavior in
children. A good collaboration between the family, the psychologist and the
doctor will be able to lead to solving the problems of aggressive behavior.
Keywords: aggression, children, biochemical analysis,
testosterone, B12 vitamin
DOI https://doi.org/10.56082/annalsarscibio.2020.2.73