Some Remarks Regarding the Organization of the Living World

Nicolae DONIȚĂ1, Laura Mariana POPA*2, Stoica GODEANU*3


1 Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences from Romania, "Gheorghe Ionescu-Sisești", Bucharest, Romania

“Ovidius” University of Constanta, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Constanta, Romania

3 Ovidius” University Constantza, Academy of Romanian Scientists, Romania

* Corresponding author e-mail:,     



The work deals with the way notions regarding the organization of the living world emerged, and the way they fit in an unitary insight via the systems theory. The connections between species and biocenoses as community-based (multi-individual) systems are briefly discussed, as well as the major part played by biocenoses in the life of individual living systems and in the creation of a more propitious environment for the existence and the perpetuation of life on Earth.


Keywords: living matter, living systems, systems theory, biocenosis






Abstract Article                                                       Volume 9 No 2 – 2020