Proton Therapy – Medical Procedure in Oncological Therapy


Camelia PETRESCU1,2 , Alexandru Marius DUMITRESCU3



1Academy of Romanian Scientists

2 ISCDI-Titu Maiorescu University

3 Titu Maiorescu University

* Corresponding author e-mail:



The paper presents proton therapy as a method of treating cancer, the action of proton therapy, the proton as a subatomic particle that can controlled to obtain and deliver radiation directed to tumors and radioactivity. A comparison is made between proton therapy and X-ray radiation, pencil beam scanning technology is presented, treatment with proton therapy, advantages and disadvantages of proton therapy and it finishes with a conclusion and a bibliography.


 Keywords: proton therapy, radioactivity, proton, medical procedure, cancer





Abstract Article                                                      Volume 10 No 1 – 2021